Dear Rushee,
Welcome to Auburn University and a warm welcome to the Auburn Family. The Greek community at Auburn is unrivalled and offers a once in a lifetime opportunity. This new era of your life will be instrumental in shaping your principles, interests, and personal skills for the rest of your adult life—there is no better place to build and augment those characteristics than at Theta Xi. Our organization offers countless opportunities for brothers that lead to wholesome mental, moral, physical, and spiritual growth. Our chapter is committed to building Auburn Fraternity Men, and this all starts with our efforts to recruit men of integrity whom we believe can uphold our ideals and beliefs in which we strongly believe.
Nationally founded in 1864 during the Civil War, the eight founding fathers started a tradition that continues today, 150 years later. Since the founding of the Beta Zeta chapter at Auburn, our Brothers have worked diligently to uphold the standards and ideals that our founding fathers laid down including brotherhood, integrity, and achievement. Today is one of the most exciting times in our history, because we are offered a unique opportunity to impact the history of the chapter for years to come. We are now looking for more men to call Brothers, so they may continue this noble tradition.
Our recruitment efforts are the lifeblood of our fraternity and we put a great deal of effort and thought into our selection of Associate Members. Although Formal Rush takes place during late August, there are events in which you can meet brothers on an informal basis throughout summer and during the first weeks of school. The events are designed to allow you to get to know brothers on a personal level. Some of the more exciting rush functions we have had in the past include float trips on the Cahaba, camping trips, Atlanta Braves baseball games, and our famous annual crawfish boil. To get to know the brothers personally, visit our events link and contact our Rush Chairman.
Finally, we know that rush can be an intimidating process. Not to worry though, our rush chairman and brothers are extremely approachable and would love to get to know you. We would like to personally invite you to come to any of our events and learn more about our Fraternity and what all we have to offer. At Theta Xi, we are more than just a Brotherhood, and we hope that you will come to get to know our Family.
This summer the brothers have some exciting plans, be sure to contact our president or rush chair if intereseted in any events.
The Brothers of the Beta Zeta Chapter of Theta Xi
Please take the time to fill out our Rush Contact Form so we can keep you updated on our schedule of recruitment events.
Chapter President: Banks Murdock hdf0001@auburn.edu (678)-267-4586
Rush Chairman: Graham Golmon dwh0010@auburn.edu (904)-343-0795