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What is rush? How do I rush Theta Xi?  Rush is the process by which Greek organizations recruit new members. To rush Theta Xi, just contact us or show up to any of the events on the rush schedule. The experience is fun, free, informal, and in no way constitutes a commitment to joining our fraternity.


What happens at the end of rush? What does it mean to accept a bid from Theta Xi?  At the end of rush week, Theta Xi will convene to decide which individuals will be offered bids for membership. If you are offered a bid, you may accept, decline, or hold (postpone the decision for a week). The acceptance of a bid constitutes a commitment to joining Theta Xi as an associate member.


What is an associate member?  One week after accepting a bid from Theta Xi, you will attend an association ceremony during which you will become an associate member. Associate members differ from full members only in that they have neither voting rights nor knowledge of our secrets.

During the few weeks of your associate membership, you will learn the history of Theta Xi and become acquainted with the Auburn Greek system. You will be given the opportunity to participate in all Theta Xi events, you will gain access to all Theta Xi resources, and be introduced to the skills necessary to ascend to a leadership position within the fraternity. You will never be hazed, mistreated, or forced to do anything against your will.


Is there a cost? Where does my money go?  During your first semester in Theta Xi, half of your dues will pay for a one time initiation fee which will grant you access to the network and resources of our national fraternity, while the other half will be recycled directly into the cost for your associate member program. Dues for the remainder of your active membership will be recycled back into Theta Xi programming that you will design and vote to approve. Except for the costs of insurance, membership in Auburn’s Interfraternity Council, and recognition by Theta Xi’s national fraternity, all dues will be within your influence to control.


Will fraternity life interfere with my academic career?  Spring 2015 saw us rank amongst the top fraternities at Auburn, with a GPA that exceeded the All-Male Average. If anything, your experience in Theta Xi will help you to budget your time more responsibly, and our scholarship program will help you achieve higher grades. This is evidenced by our recent graduates.  At no time does the associate member period take precedence over academics; busy schedules will be accommodated. Additionally, the Theta Xi Foundation offers a range of scholarships to the most outstanding undergraduate members in the country.


What kind of time commitment is involved?  During the associate member period, the formal time commitment is no more than five hours a week; however, we expect that everyone interested in becoming a part of Theta Xi will want to participate in our events as well as study, eat and socialize with us on a regular basis.


Where do I go for rush?  All rush events will start at the Theta Xi House at: 835 West Magnolia Ave. Walking time from campus to our home: approximately 10 minutes.


Does Theta Xi have membership requirements?  We encourage everyone to submit an application, but you will most likely succeed in Theta Xi if you: exemplify high moral character and treat yourself and others with honesty and respect, demonstrate evidence of leadership abilities or exhibit an interest in developing leadership skills, have at least a 3.0 GPA or exhibit an earnest desire to fulfill your academic potential, are or want to become more adventurous and/or creative.


Auburn Theta Xi © 2022. All Rights Reserved

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